Toronto District School Board
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D A Morrison Middle School

D.A. Morrison combines a fifty year old traditional neighbourhood school with a strong commitment to change, new technologies and a sound education for all learners. This means that all students enjoy a solid education in the basics with a wide variety of options and opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Our facilities include a full-size pool,  gym facilities, an up to date library and computer labs which make the school a place of educational excellence.

Enriched by diversity and committed to equity, we offer programs to meet the needs, goals, and interests of our students. In addition to strong academics, we offer outstanding programs in Music, Visual Art, and Physical Education.

Our commitment to athletics and the arts underscores our belief in a well-rounded set of experiences and a healthy choices for students.

Our teachers collaborate to develop and share best instructional practices. We strive to ensure that all students are valued. Student voice and student leadership are a fundamental focus for success at D. A. Morrison Middle School. We maintain a  strong focus on  smooth transitions between the middle and secondary years.
High expectations and a strong commitment to individual success in a safe and welcoming atmosphere make D.A.Morrison a proud learning environment. We welcome all parents, caregivers and young learners to our school.